Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1248 worksforme smartd fails to start when no disks are present onlyjob

As reported in "smartd" fails to start on the system without disks (e.g. KVM).

It would be better to start the daemon anyway and wait for pluggable disks to appear.

This could help to prevent init system failures on attempted start of "smartd".

#1250 worksforme Checkout from trunk does not build due to missing header files Jem777

I checked out rev 4965 from trunk. This fails to build in VS, due to missing config.h and wbemcli.h.

I looked at the tagged 7.0 version, and it these header files seem to missing there as well.

What gives?

(The reason for trying to build from source is I'm affected by ticket #1154)

#1260 worksforme Model not in Smartctl database: WDC WD10SPZX-21Z10T0 (WD Blue) Fabio

Link to PDF spreadsheet from WD:

Link to SmartHDD Database:

I'd like feedback on that, if possible

Thank you

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