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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#28 fixed Unsupported Device - Hitachi HTS723225L9A360 Christian Franke aragornmn

I have a Lenovo (IBM Thinkpad) Modem T60 with an internal Hitachi HTS723225L9A360 that shows up as "Not in smartctl database". Attached is a log from smartctl -a /dev/hda

#29 fixed FreeBSD: cam_close_device() called twice somebody Dan Lukes

Function: os_freebsd.cpp/freebsd_smart_interface::autodetect_smart_device()

line 1800

Relevant part of the code:

1796	        // now check if we are working with USB device, see umass.c
1797	        if(strcmp(ccb.cpi.dev_name,"umass-sim") == 0) { // USB device found
1798	          usbdevlist(bus,vendor_id, product_id, version);
1799	          int bus=ccb.cpi.unit_number; // unit_number will match umass number
1800	          cam_close_device(cam_dev);
1801	          if(usbdevlist(bus,vendor_id, product_id, version)){
1802	            const char * usbtype = get_usb_dev_type_by_id(vendor_id, product_id, version);
1803	            if (!usbtype)
1804	              return false;
1805	            return get_sat_device(usbtype, new freebsd_scsi_device(this, name, ""));
1806	          }
1807	        }
1808	#if FREEBSDVER > 800100
1809	        // check if we have ATA device connected to CAM (ada)
1810	        if(ccb.cpi.protocol == PROTO_ATA){
1811	          cam_close_device(cam_dev);
1812	          return new freebsd_atacam_device(this, name, "");
1813	        }
1814	#endif
1815	        // close cam device, we don`t need it anymore
1816	        cam_close_device(cam_dev);

The first cam_close_device(cam_dev) is called within if(strcmp(ccb.cpi.dev_name,"umass-sim") == 0) block. But such block may not end with return

In such case the second cam_close_device(cam_dev) will be called on line 1811 or 1816.

Double-close may cause several problems including memory corruption.

It seems to be a simple typo. It's Alex's code (AFAIK), so I hope he can correct it easily. If he will not repair it then I will assign this ticket later to myself.

Credits to Axel Beckert and Petr Salinger for it's help with problem identification and partial analysis. See also

#30 fixed Print also text representation of GPL Dan Lukes Dan Lukes

-l gplog,... now print the HEX representation of data. It may be interesting to see text representation also.

The attached patch add this feature.

The output format is now hd or tcpdump like ...

Please review, if nobody against it I will commit it.

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