Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#186 fixed [PATCH] Add OWC Mercury Extreme Pro RE SSD to drivedb.h Christian Franke robackja

Hello, the drivedb.h contains string to detect regular OWC Mercury Extreme Pro SSDs, but not the OWC Mercury Extreme Pro RE SSD (RAID edition) models. Attached is a patch to add the "RE" string to the match string. Thanks.

#189 fixed Whitelist non-MA07 firmware for Dell Seagate Barracuda ES.2 drives Christian Franke yaberauneya

We recently received a support call because a customer noted that one of the drives installed in a machine was reporting potential problems with a version of firmware. After doing some digging on the Dell site, it appears that only the MA07 firmware is affected.

The attached patch whitelists all non-MA07 firmware so the message doesn't appear with unaffected drives.

#191 fixed improve the example to examine smartctl's return code Christian Franke robkehl


Thank you for this brilliant piece of software.

I just want to suggest a minor improvement to the man page of smartctl.

At section "RETURN VALUES" near the end of the man page for smartctl[8], you state an example to examine the error code returned by smartctl:

To test within the shell for whether or not the  different  bits
are  turned  on  or  off, you can use the following type of con‐
struction (this is bash syntax):
smartstat=$(($? & 8))
This looks at only at bit  3  of  the  exit  status  $?   (since
8=2^3).   The shell variable $smartstat will be nonzero if SMART
status check returned "disk failing" and zero otherwise.

Why not show the user a way to examine all error codes by including something like this:

E=$?; for ((i=0; i<8;i++)); do echo "Bit $i: $(($E & 2**$i && 1))"; done

This would produce output like the following:

Bit 0: 0
Bit 1: 0
Bit 2: 0
Bit 3: 0
Bit 4: 0
Bit 5: 0
Bit 6: 1
Bit 7: 0

With kind regards,

Robert Kehl

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