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Results (118 - 120 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#178 fixed --scan missing(forget) an usb-drive in his output Christian Franke frankhartung


another computer in my home office to find another bug in smartctl: smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [i686-w64-mingw32-xp-sp3] (sf-win32-5.41-1) and this machine is using windows xp as operating system.

the cmd: smartctl --scan

give this result: /dev/sda -d ata # /dev/sda, ATA device /dev/sdb -d ata # /dev/sdb, ATA device /dev/sdd -d sat # /dev/sdd [SAT], ATA device /dev/sde -d usbjmicron # /dev/sde [USB JMicron], ATA device

sda = first internal connected sata-drive sdb = 2nd internal connected sata-drive sdc ?! smartctl does not print it! sdd = usb connected western digital elements drive sde = usb connected drive by using jmicron-chip-adapter

the in the output of smartctl missing usb drive can accessed very well with command: smartctl -a /dev/sdc -d sat

..but if the cmds are automatic called by output from --scan this drive will be always missed!

#180 fixed Implement smartd --savestates and --attributelog for SCSI Alex Samorukov Christian Franke

The smartd --savestates and --attributelog options only works for ATA devices. Should also be implemented for SCSI.

#182 fixed Rework messages about unsupported features Christian Franke Christian Franke

smartctl prints different messages if a feature is unsupported:

Warning: device does not support SCT Error Recovery Control command
SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11) not supported 

Some messages may be misleading: It may be a limitation of the pass-through I/O-control that an available device feature cannot be accessed. Smartctl should not report a warning and/or a missing device feature in this case.

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