Custom Query (1406 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1406)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#135 fixed syslog messages should not contain more than one line Christian Franke Christian Franke

The syslog(3) facility does not support log messages with more than one line. Some syslog implementations replace embedded newlines with spaces, others output separate lines but with incomplete headers.

Smartd should issue one syslog() call for each message line.

#136 fixed USB Samsung S2 device type Christian Franke divide

Samsung S2 USB drive (model SAMSUNG HM641JX, ID 0x04e8:0x1f06) causes smartctl (as of 5.40 2010-03-16 r3077) to print 'Unknown USB bridge', but works flawlessly with -d usbjmicron.

#141 fixed os_freebsd.cpp: correct location for usb headers on DragonFly BSD Christian Franke rumko

On DragonFly BSD usb headers are not located in dev/usb/ but bus/usb/ the attached patch fixes that and enables smartmontools to compile successfully.

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