Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#126 fixed update-smart-drivedb script requires GNU sed Christian Franke Christian Franke

update-smart-drivedb script doesn't work properly with BSD sed since it contains ERE.

Reported in MacPorts Ticket #27330.

#127 fixed update-smart-drivedb script haven't native FreeBSD's download program Christian Franke alex-j

FreeBSD include in the base system native program for downloading that calls 'fetch'

suggestion to add this program to 'update-smart-drivedb'.

Patch attached. =========================== diff --git a/update-smart-drivedb b/update-smart-drivedb index b8d5505..32e0c6e 100755 --- a/update-smart-drivedb +++ b/update-smart-drivedb @@ -84,8 +84,10 @@ elif which wget >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then

DOWNLOAD="wget $q"'-O "$" "$SRC"'

elif which lynx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then

DOWNLOAD='lynx -source "$SRC" >"$"'

+elif which fetch >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + DOWNLOAD='fetch -o "$" "$SRC"'


  • echo "$0: curl, wget or lynx not available" >&2; exit 1

+ echo "$0: curl, wget, fetch or lynx not available" >&2; exit 1


# Try possible branch first, then trunk


#128 fixed update-smart-drivedb may fail on OpenBSD Christian Franke Christian Franke

The update-smart-drivedb script aborts on OpenBSD if the used download program exits with an error status if the URL does not exist (wget does, curl and lynx do not). A missing URL is an expected condition because the script checks for the existence of a drivedb.h branch first.

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