Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#119 fixed Working USB bridge not in database 0x1006:0x3002 (0x100) Christian Franke kevinferrare


When I run smartctl, it doesn't detect the usb bridge for my iriver h140 player (0x1006:0x3002 (0x100)). ID 1006:3002 iRiver, Ltd. iHP-120/140 MP3 Player

This device works fine with the -d usbcypress option.

#120 fixed daemon_win32.cpp: duplicated assignment Christian Franke nikai

Hi there!

I noticed a duplicated assignment.

Best regards, Nicolas Kaiser ---

--- a/os_win32/daemon_win32.cpp	2010-01-28 21:24:31.000000000 +0100
+++ b/os_win32/daemon_win32.cpp	2010-11-10 21:08:04.829636033 +0100
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ int daemon_messagebox(int system, const 
-	mb.title = title; mb.text = text;
+	mb.title = title;
 	mb.text = text;
 	if (!(ht = CreateThread(NULL, 0, mbox_thread, &mb, 0, &tid)))
 		return -1;
#122 fixed "make install" overwrites existing smartd.conf without warning or backup Christian Franke kaluscha

When installing from source tarball, "make install" overwrites an existing smartd.conf file without warning or creating a backup. If such a config file already exists, it should at least be renamed to something like smartd.conf.backup so the existing configuration doesn't get completely lost.

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