Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#116 fixed DEVICESCAN does not find USB devices on Windows Christian Franke Christian Franke

smartd DEVICESCAN should also include USB devices. This requires speedup of USB ID detection (ticket #115) first.

#117 fixed IDENTIFY of USB devices may not work on bigendian NetBSD platforms Alex Samorukov Christian Franke

NetBSD ATAIOCCOMMAND delivers IDENTIFY data always in host byte order. This is not the case for data delivered by SCIOCCOMMAND through SAT or other USB bridge specific SCSI commands. The NetBSD special case is handled in atacmds.cpp without taking this into account, it should be handled in os_netbsd.cpp instead.

#118 fixed Store reserved attribute byte in smartd state file Christian Franke Christian Franke

Some drives use the reserved attribute byte to store 7 byte raw values. This byte should also be stored in the smartd .state file. Otherwise bogus messages may appear after smartd restart if a raw value is monitored.

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