Custom Query (1434 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1 fixed smartmontools build fails on QNX jhering Christian Franke

The compilation on QNX fails due to missing getopt_long(). A proposed patch using the existing implementation in 'posix/getopt*' compiles, but leads to further problems related to exception handling.

See also thread Compilation failure on QNX in smartmontools-devel. (ML-Archiv accessible for smartmontools developers only)

#2 fixed os_freebsd.cpp - added USB detection and converted to the new interface Dan Lukes Alex Samorukov

This is the patch agains current SVN. What was done:

1) Added USB type autodection using CAM layer and USB bus FreeBSD interface. Tested on FreeBSD 7. 2) Converted old style interface to the new, tested with ATA and SCSI devices, should work for other types also

#3 fixed ABEND on FreeBSD when non-SCSI device accessed with -d scsi somebody Dan Lukes


smartctl -d scsi /dev/ad0

Bug in os_freebsd.cpp con->devname == NULL when used in cam_open_spec_device()

more detailed analysis required but not done yet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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