Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#834 fixed Fix OS/2 support in the smartmontools Alex Samorukov

Current status:

  1. Smartctl 5.37 is distributed within system (eCS 2.2). It is compiled by IBM VAC compiler according to the version info (i386-pc-ibmvac)
  2. Files os_os2.{cpp,h} were never properly integrated to the release and are missing in the autoconf and resulted targz. This should be easy to fix.
  3. File os_os2.cpp is very outdated and currently not compiling properly. It seems that it will need some efforts to compile.
  4. Smartmontools itself compiles under GCC/OS2 with some minimal autoconf tweaks and blames that application is not ported. Because of 2.


  1. Include os_os* to the official tarball, and patch and related files.
  2. fix os_os2.cpp to make it compile.
  3. Test it on VPC (at least -i should work)
  4. Ask someone to test it on a real hw.
  5. Update man and wiki
#843 fixed Upgrade trac to the v 1.2 samm Alex Samorukov

Trac current is now v 1.2. To keep server secure and up to date i would recommend to migrate to it from the 1.2 version. Steps to do:

  1. Try to upgrade locally, from the backup.
  2. Check if custom functionality (plugins) is working. List of the plugins could be found in WIKI. Some of them do have small local modifications. Some of them probably needs to be upgraded to the latest version.
  3. If upgrade works well - put server into maintenance mode and repeat steps on prod. Prepare roll back plan if everything goes wrong
  4. Notify users and test all basic functionality
#894 fixed Support NVMe self-tests in smartctl Christian Franke Alex Samorukov

NVMe specification 1.3 adds support for a self-test, bootstrap, full wipe of data and virtualization. We should integrate self test functionality with a smartmontools

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