Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (229 - 231 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#202 fixed SAT auto-detection support for the HP Smart Array RAID controllers Christian Franke Alex Samorukov

Don Brace from HP provided patches to support HP Smart Array RAID controllers with smartmontools. I am not sure that we are able to accept the patches as is, but i have no access to such hardware and not able to help too much. I already wrote some recommendations and comments in the private mailing (especially about SAT re-implementation in the code) but it probably better to keep it public to find some acceptable solution. Provided patches are attached to the ticket.

#249 fixed smartd: health check failed if SCSI drive is performing test somebody Alex Samorukov

Instead of SMART HEALTH "OK" smartd shows Device: /dev/sdb, non-SMART asc,ascq: 4,9 in the logs if test is running. smartcl -H /dev/sdb shows that smart status if fine.

#250 fixed implement -g/-s wcache and lookahead for the SCSI drvies somebody Alex Samorukov

Most of SCSI/SAS drives are supporting cache control, so it is possible to implement this functionality. This should help a lot for SAS drives behind the RAID - some of them turning off write cache if drive is not "native".

Tested on scsi, megaraid and cciss device types on Linux. It was found that cciss silently filtering MODE SELECT command, so actual values are not changed. On megaraid and direct connection everything works as expected.

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