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Results (205 - 207 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1677 worksforme Unable to Ignore 'unreadable (pending) sectors' Error seanfulton

I have many, many machines running SSDs and they periodicaly generate errors like this:

Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors

The SSDs tend to reman these failures because they will go away over time. But how to I stop smartd from e-mailing these alerts. Because of the number of machines we have, we can get up to 100 e-mails a day. It makes it difficult to weed out more serious errors.

I have tried the following: DEVICESCAN -I 197 -m gcn-alerts@… -M exec /usr/libexec/smartmontools/smartdnotify -n standby,10,q


DEVICESCAN -m gcn-alerts@… -M exec /usr/libexec/smartmontools/smartdnotify -n standby,10,q -t -I 197

But the e-mails keep coming. Any idea how to get rid of errors for type 197 failures?

#1564 fixed New device UMAX 2242 256GB Christian Franke scrool

SSD not present in the database even after its update:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/update-smart-drivedb
/usr/share/smartmontools/drivedb.h updated from branches/RELEASE_7_2_DRIVEDB

I haven't found any official page for this drive other than eshops.

#99 fixed Outdated IBM Deskstar links in drivedb Christian Franke scop

There are a couple of outdated IBM Deskstar links in drivedb.h, patch attached. I have not verified any information at the new site, but it seems similar to the last archived copy of the old geocities page at

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