Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1283 fixed QNAP-TR004 Port Multiplier does not provide SMART data (GH PR 47) Christian Franke Anton

The QNAP TR-004 does use the JMB39X chipset but smartctl -a -d jmb39x,[0-3] does not return a valid JMB39X response. This is due to the fact that the request sector commands as well as the identify command differ from the jmb39x implementation. I have reverse engineered the QNAP TR-004 response and created a PR on GitHub[1]. This adds currently a new device (qnaptr) with the same usage pattern as jmb39x. Feel free to change the code of the PR as needed(e.g. adding it as another option to jmb39x).


#1730 duplicate Unknown USB bridge [0x04e8:0x61fb (0x100)] skoehler

This is a Samsung T7 Shield, 4TB.

It has a USB to NVMe bridge. I don't know which one.

#818 fixed Add ADATA SX930 to database Christian Franke Jacek Tomasiak

Please add ADATA SX930 SSD disk to the DB. It's based on JMicron 670H. ADATA S.M.A.R.T. attributes description can be found in their tool manual:

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