Custom Query (1383 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1383)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1528 invalid addition to database for smartctl-Samsung-SSD980PRO Tony

Details attached for smartctl-Samsung-SSD980PRO

#949 fixed Add to drivedb: Drevo X1 60 GB SSD Christian Franke tsjc

Please add the Drevo X1 60GB SSD to the drive database.

#1619 duplicate Seagate Expansion 12 TB HDD - STKP12000400 - 0bc2:2038 ts46h

smartctl reports this on given External HDD: Read Device Identity failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command So I think the attachment will not be of much use. But under Windows 10 I could use crystaldiskinfo to see smart data. Would it help to get a Wireshark pcapng with USB communication when using crystaldiskinfo to retrieve smart data? If you need some special stuff from Wireshark tell me please so I can create a helpful capture.

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