Custom Query (1383 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1383)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#547 wontfix smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices versofate

scsiprint.cpp pout("SMART Health Status: OK\n");

should be changed to: pout("SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED\n");

It allows to parse output for different devices in the same way.

#630 invalid how to configure amazon aws mail server to send smartd alerts venu

Hi, I want to setup amazon aws mail server as the mail configuration for smartd. Is it possible? if yes what are the steps involved in achieving so? Thanks in advance!

#1464 invalid NVMe drives in database? (Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB) vegivamp

I noticed that my NVMe drive isn't in the database yet; the FAQ still mentions that they are not added, but I assume that entry is older, since smartctl does actually support NVMe these days?

If they are now accepted, please find attached the data for a Samsung Evo 970 drive. If not, feel free to say so and close this ticket :-)

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