Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#792 duplicate SK hynix SC 308 - add to database wingers

Add drive to database - and work out which value is for SSD remaining life?

#625 fixed [PATCH] Add Intel SSD 535 series detection Christian Franke whitecat

I checked the 535 series datasheets, the SMART attributes are strictly the same as the 530 series. The patch adds the Intel SSD 535 (2.5-inch and M.2) model string to the current 530 series structure.


#628 fixed [RFE] Warns that some Corsair Force LS 60/120 GB SSD needs a firmware update Christian Franke whitecat

Corsair has released a highly recommended firmware update for some SSD:

"To enhance stability and reliability of 60GB and 120GB variants of Force Series LS SSD, the latest firmware S9FM02.0 has been released. This update is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for existing customers who own one of those products with the specific serial number sequence."

"WARNING!!! This firmware upgrade will format the drive and all of its contents will be erased. Please back-up your data by either performing full disk clone of the drive or making copies of critical personal files."

Source: (Download section) (instruction and details in the PDF file inside)

The impacted SSD are Corsair Force LS 60 and 120 GB (CSSD-F60GBLS, CSSD-F120GBLS) with firmware version "S9FM01.8" with some specific serial number: xxxxxxxxxxx10167xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx10173xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx10249xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx10253xxxx

The updated firmware is version "S9FM02.0".

[RFE] It would be interesting that smartmontools detects these SSD and warns the user about it.

I attach a "smartctl -x" log of a SSD with 1.8 firmware and then with the 2.0 upgrade applied. Note that the SMART data ("Power_Cycle_Count" for example) are reset to 0 after the firmware update.

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