Custom Query (1383 matches)


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Results (37 - 39 of 1383)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1126 fixed KINGSTON-SUV500120G Christian Franke Patrick Wirth

drive information for drivedb.h

#526 invalid 2T external WD drive right drivers here for Windows 7 mark kirk mark kirk

I have a WD 2Terrabite external drive i bought about two years ago from WD through dell. it turns on with light showing it's connected.It won't connect by plugging in so I want to try downloading the drivers directly to my laptop. researching the net I found it's probably the sat bridge has failed. The disk itself does not produce ugly noise so the "needle" on the disk is probably not at fault. Contacting WD went nowhere-you find the drivers nowhere and the drive not even listed. I want to try and external driver download before I try hardware repair. I see you have listed windows 7 and some WD drives and would like to try the Monotools but unsure about the proper download page and steps partly because the drive is no longer listed.This problem and a few others make disbealieve tecs who say just plug it in the net will always have the drivers.That may be true but I cant get to them and wonder if externally it will jumpstart my drive at which point i will transfer all the info to disks (I am giving up on external drives after this i thnk as i cant afford triple drives to almost insure my data is not lost-thanks for any help and consideration ahead of time you may give or directions to proper net site or advice -thanks-

#171 fixed Kingston SSDNow V Series SSD attributes Christian Franke wintrmute

Hi, Here is some info on decoding some extra attributes reported by some SSD drives.

Attribute 234 (0xEA): Average erase count, max erase count. Decoded as: byte 0-1-2 = average erase count (big endian) byte 3-4-5 = max erase count (big endian)

Attribute 235 (0xEB): Good block count, system(free) block count decoded as: byte 0-1-2 = good block count (big endian) byte 3-4 = system(free) block count.

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