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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#269 worksforme Change standby (spindown) timer of WDEARS20 somebody woutdenolf

Reading the manual of smartctl (version 6.1), I was under the impression that I could set the standby (spindown) timer of my WDEARS20 disks like this:

smartctl -d areca,1 -g standby,254 /dev/sg6

However this is not a valid argument to -g: =======> INVALID ARGUMENT TO -g: standby,255 =======> VALID ARGUMENTS ARE: aam, apm, lookahead, security, wcache, rcache <=======

Is this a bug or did I misinterpret something?

Thanks in advance, Wout

PS, The tool idle3ctl would also be able to do the job, but my disks happen to be behind an Areca RAID controller.

#50 fixed Error Recovery Control querrying and setting Christian Franke wmene@…

On November 20, 2009, Richard Gregory submitted a patch to the smartmontools support list to get and set Error Recovery Control parameters

which he describes on his page here:

It would be nice if smartmontools would incorporate this into their official build. As Richard stated, ERC is defined as a sub command of SMART Command Transport.

#1394 fixed 14tb drive WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0 for database Gabriele Pohl Bill Kearney

Attached is a smartctl -x dump from a new 14tb Western Digital 3.5" drive.

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