Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#913 fixed ST4000NM0035-1V4 drive is not in the smartmontool database abhishekb

Dear Seagate Team,

We are using ST4000NM0035-1V4 drives and we are noticing that these drives are not in the smartmontool database, we checked in latest drivedb.h(6.4 trunk Path)file but their is also no entry for these drives.

Due to this "power ON hours" for these are listing to some garbage values. Kindly add these drive model in your database.

Below is the drive specifications:-

Model - ST4000NM0035-1V4
Capacity - 4TB(usable capacity - 3725.5GB)
RPM - 7200
Firmware - TNC3
speed - 6 Gb/s
cache - 128MB

Attaching the short and full smartmontool report for the reference.

Sent a mail too for the reference

Thanks & Regards,

Abhishek Bathole American MegaTrends India Pvt. Ltd

#1325 fixed add to drivedb: Packard Bell Carbon 1.5TB Christian Franke aboaboit

Drive apparently only responds to "scsi" device type but the reply is less then helpful

#1423 duplicate Micron_5300_MTFDDAK480TDS aboschke


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