Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1413 fixed Some SCSI Drives spin up when using -n option. Christian Franke Simon Fairweather

Some SCSI/SAS drives will spin up even if -n option is used.

This does not affect all drives.

I have noticed this only a SEAGATE drive at present.

Issue can be resolved by moving the following code to after the check for -n

if (supported_vpd_pages_p) {

delete supported_vpd_pages_p; supported_vpd_pages_p = NULL;

} supported_vpd_pages_p = new supported_vpd_pages(device);

to after the -n check code.

#672 fixed SG9XCS2D50GE01 missing from SmartDB J Wass

Hi Team,

I have provided the output of: smartctl -x /dev/sdX > smartctl-VENDOR-MODEL.txt

For the disk: Vendor:SMART Modular Technology Model:SG9XCS2D50GE01


#1759 invalid My external hard drive won't work with your software (Seagate Backup Plus 8TB) Ted Hickox

I own a seagate backup plus drive. It can hold 8T of data. Your software can't find my device despite the fact that Ubuntu Linux can read data from the device and can write to the device. I hope you can remedy this situation soon. I would hate to think that I would have to purchase a Windows computer just to monitor the health of my external hard drive.

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