Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#749 wontfix [PATCH] ataprint.cpp Print missing the Valid Value bit in ACS-3 Device Statistics Flags JonghwanChoi

Dear developers.

Print missing valid value bit in ACS-3 Device Statistics Flags. This bit indicates that the device statistic's value is valid for this device statistic.

Thank you.

#815 fixed Add options '-g/s dsn' to set/get DSN feature. Christian Franke JonghwanChoi

For supporting enable/disable DSN feature.

#1487 invalid InnoStor IS611-based adapter errors -- what version firmware should be installed Kaos Engineer

On the USB device support page,

I see the following comment for a (NoName) InnoStor IS611-based adapter:

If IDE/PATA drives don't work (unsupported scsi opcode), try updating the firmware (a Google search for "IS611 firmware" will bring you a Windows utility to do that)

What version should the firmware be using a Google search for IS611 firmware?

I find only 1 download with version 0937 but after trying to upgrade the firmware, smartctl.exe still reports unsupported scsi opcode(s).

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