Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1400 duplicate New Drive not in database (TOSHIBA MQ04UBB400) Crock

This Drive is not found in Database Toshiba MQ04UBB400.

If it could be added please - when you can.

#1594 fixed Enhance LBA range for jmb39x and jms56x device types Christian Franke Alois


I recently bought jmicron controllers to put away some duplication load (for mdraid level 1) from the system to those controllers. I have one jmb56x and two jmb39x attached, smart readings work well besides one thing which makes me stomachache: I need to force on one of them for a sector as its boot record is stored there.

with "hdparm --read-sector" I searched for a free one on this device and could not find one in the range of 33 <= LBA <= 62

Is there a specific reason why it is limited to this range? My partiton tables start at 2048, so there would be much sectors before which are free (and zero-filled). I tried with jmraidcon implementation, as I do not know how to e.g. mask 2047 in the command {READ_CMD, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}; I just swapped 0x21 with 0xfe - LBA sector 254 which is also zero-filled on this device and it succeeds as well with this, so I assume the limited range is not caused by the JMicron controller not accepting the commands there?

I read all sectors until 2048 and from sector 105 starting they are all zero-filled (attached the txt of the affected drive). I would prefer to avoid always overwriting and restoring parts of my bootrecord, but as I am not sure why the limit is currently implemented this way, I would like to clarify this first. :-)

Thank you so much!

Best regards Alois

#1294 duplicate Crucial MX500: bogus raw values in attribute 197 D.Dave

Manjaro Linux, smartctl 7.1 (smartmontools 7.1-1)

Since smartmontools has been updated from 7.0 to 7.1, I see the following error/warning about the Crucial MX500 SSD (Firmware version M3CR023)

Warning This firmware returns bogus raw values in attribute 197

But this attribute, also checked in other utilities, doesn't report nothing of bad:

197,"Current Pending Sector Count","never","100","100","0","0","old age","-O--CK"

As I dowgrade to smartctl 7.0, this warning disappear.

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