Custom Query (1368 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1368)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1287 fixed Please add Western Digital WD8004FRYZ to the database Christian Franke Cmdr_Zod

Please find attached the output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdX

#1357 fixed Please add Western Digital WD102KRYZ to the database Christian Franke Cmdr_Zod

Please find attached the output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdX This drive is sold under the WD Gold Label

#1365 fixed Please add Hitachi HUS728T8TALE6L4 to the database Christian Franke Cmdr_Zod

There is already a report for the 6TB version in ticket #1157 Please find attached the output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdX

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.