Custom Query (1419 matches)


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Results (1 - 3 of 1419)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#706 fixed Seagate USB bridge 0bc2:3322 Christian Franke 2000sw

Please mark devices with USB-ID 0bc2:3322 as -d sat.

This is a new Samsung Bridge.

See similar USB id #223.

Connected devices will work when run with -d sat when using smartmontools of version 6.5.

#707 worksforme New Seagate Barracuda ST5000DM000 device not in database 2000sw

The Device ST5000DM000 is contained the in "Seagate Expansion Desktop (2015) 5TB" external USB-Device.


It seems to be an "Seagate Barracuda ST5000DM000". Please note the used bridge reported in #706.

#1267 fixed SK hynix SC311 SATA 512GB 4JWB9FgD276zrudV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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