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Results (214 - 216 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#943 fixed NetBSD regression in smartmontools 6.6 Alex Samorukov

Smartctl is broken on netbsd/sparc64 (BE) arch

To test if smartctl still works on be i installed NetBSD7.0/sparc64 in the qemu.

It was found that smart support is mostly broken.

bash-4.4# uname -a
NetBSD netbsd 7.0 NetBSD 7.0 (GENERIC.201509250726Z) sparc64
bash-4.4# ./smartctl -d ata /dev/wd0c -A
smartctl 6.7 2017-11-16 r4625 [NetBSD 7.0 sparc64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Read SMART Data failed: request failed, error code 0x02

bash-4.4# ./smartctl -d ata /dev/wd0c -Ai
smartctl 6.7 2017-11-16 r4625 [NetBSD 7.0 sparc64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Device Model:     QEMU HARDDISK
Serial Number:    QM00001
Firmware Version: 2.5+
User Capacity:    5,368,709,120 bytes [5.36 GB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Device is:        Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is:   ATA/ATAPI-7, ATA/ATAPI-5 published, ANSI NCITS 340-2000
Local Time is:    Sun Nov 19 10:35:54 2017 UTC
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

Read SMART Data failed: request failed, error code 0x02


At the same time native tool works correctly:

bash-4.4# atactl wd0 smart status
SMART supported, SMART enabled
id value thresh crit collect reliability description                 raw
  1 100    6     yes online  positive    Raw read error rate         0
  3 100    0     yes online  positive    Spin-up time                16
  4 100   20     no  online  positive    Start/stop count            100
  5 100   36     yes online  positive    Reallocated sector count    0
  9 100    0     yes online  positive    Power-on hours count        1
 12 100    0     yes online  positive    Device power cycle count    0
190  69   50     yes online  positive    Airflow Temperature         31 Lifetime min/max 31/0



  1. install NetBSD 7.0 intel to check if bug is BE/sparc specific, check atactl code for the hints.
  2. Check previous smartmontools version (6.5)

Autodetection is broken in smartmontools 6.6/netbsd

sparc64# ./smartctl /dev/wd0c
smartctl 6.7 2017-11-16 r4625 [NetBSD 7.0 sparc64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

/dev/wd0c: Unable to detect device type
Please specify device type with the -d option.

Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary

Code in the netbsd_smart_interface::autodetect_smart_device(const char * name) is very wrong

#944 worksforme WD Hard Drive smartd[484]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 102 to 100 Veek

I have been querying my hard disk every 60s for the last few days and plotting temps using hddtemp/rrdtool. It hovers around the 40-42 C mark.

However smartd reports spikes of 100-102 C multiple times per day. I thought this was erroneous BUT when i do

smartctl -a /dev/sda a different picture emerges

194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 100 096 000 Old_age Always - 43

WORST shows 96 C which is unusual so I am concluding that smartd is correct after all. However how is it able to detect the spike in temp whereas hddtemp fails?

Is this value (smartd) erroneous? How is it being generated and how accurate is it? Can someone clarify if my temp is spiking to 96 C - could you guys shed some light on how all this works.

(I contacted WD but they just asked me to run some tool of theirs which is not documented very well - i have no idea if their Quick Test is destructive - so I've asked them about that - waiting for their reply)

#946 fixed Please add Seagate ST8000NE0001-1WN112 to the Database Cmdr_Zod

Please find attached the output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdX

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