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Results (199 - 201 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#916 duplicate Adding --json command line option yaarit

I would like to prepare a patch to implement '--json' cmd option, as mentioned in ticket #766. I'm new to this project and would appreciate your help.

  1. Is it okay if I use C++11 features, even if it as little as "auto"?
  1. What's your opinion about using a JSON library? (specifically this one - JSON for Modern C++)
  1. I wish to create a data structure to hold the smart data, and print it when it's completely populated.

Do you have insights about how the data structure should look like, considering hierarchy, data order, and which containers to use?

When looking at the first chunks of output for SATA I was wondering how to represent the data, so it would be easy to traverse and print. The general idea is to have a container to represent each section, for example:

struct smart_data {

map<string, string> info_section; map<string, string> smart_data_section; vector<map<string,string>> vendor_specific_attr; more containers go here


Is there a certain format you prefer it to be represented?

  1. Is there a way to mock output from devices I don't have (such as SAS)? I wish to test this output but I don't have all of the supported disks out there...

Many thanks!

#917 fixed 20s timeout is too short for large JBODs asomers

Most smartctl commands have a default timeout of 20 seconds. This is sufficiently long for pretty much any disk to spin up from standby. However, many large JBODs implement staggered spinup, where they limit the number of drives that can simultaneously spin up. On such systems, it may take considerably longer for all drives to spin up. For example, I have a 96-drive JBOD where spinning up all drives takes nearly 45 seconds. The attached patch fixes smartctl for me.

#918 invalid Bugtracker doesn't show my tickets viktor

When I select "My tickets" entry on "View tickets" page no tickets are shown (see screenshot)

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