Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#644 fixed Missing SMART attributes for Crucial MX200 Christian Franke Baghira

The smartmontools drivedb, version 6.4, lacks information on the Crucial CT250MX200 drive. It appears the expression in the drivedb.h file is Crucial_CT(200|256|500|512|1000|1024)MX200SSD while is should be Crucial_CT(200|250|256|500|512|1000|1024)MX200SSD I've attached the output of smartctl -x.

#656 fixed manpage improvements from Debian package Christian Franke Jonathan Dowland

Hi, please find enclosed a patch we received in the Debian BTS to improve the manpages. The patch has a header which explains the improvements (lots of groff convention fix-ups and consistency changes etc.) Please let me know if you don't like this.

I have a few more patches from the Debian package to submit which I will do in due course.

#657 fixed Add NVMe support to the smartmontools Christian Franke Alex Samorukov


It would be great to add NVMe support to the smartctl. This task is not very trivial - because smart in NVMe is implemented differently then in SCSI/SAS or SATA. This ticket will be used to track changes in smartmontools and to collect important related links.

NVMe standard and vendor specific log pages

Hardware and emulation

  • QEMU fork which can emulates NVMe device with most of the features supported, including SMART log pages, namespaces, etc. Tested with Linux and FreeBSD, full list of the options could be found in the source code.

Linux NVMe support

FreeBSD NVMe support

Windows NVMe support

OS X NVMe support

  • Kind of official support added from 10.10.3, closes source, not documented, only apple-branded NVMe devices are supported. Implements NVMeSMARTClient library, however API is not documented.
  • MacVidCards NVMe driver - third party closed-source driver, coming with closed-source nvme-cli management utility, which is based on open-source one.

Solaris NVMe support

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