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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#35 fixed Default mail setting does not make sense if "--savestates" is enabled Christian Franke Christian Franke

By default smartd sends one mail for each type of disk problem detected ('-M once' directive). If '--savestates' is enabled, the mail state is also stored such that a mail is never send again even if smartd is restarted.

Workaround: specify '-M daily'.

#36 fixed smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke Christian Franke

Due to a regression in ataPrintSmartSelfTestlog(), smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work. Nothing is logged if the number of failed tests reported in the SMART Self-Test Log has increased.

#38 fixed SMART errors upon resuming from suspend Christian Franke Giuseppe Iuculano


I'm forwarding a bug reported by a Debian user. Version: smartctl 5.39 2009-12-09 r2995 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)

upon resuming from suspend to ram (iirc, it does not affect suspend to disk, but i would not bet now), smartd logs+mails various messages:

info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, not capable of SMART self-check crit smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, failed to read SMART Attribute Data info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, Read SMART Self Test Log Failed info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, Read SMART Error Log Failed

after /etc/init.d/smartmontools restart, everything seems just fine.

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