Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#28 fixed Unsupported Device - Hitachi HTS723225L9A360 Christian Franke aragornmn

I have a Lenovo (IBM Thinkpad) Modem T60 with an internal Hitachi HTS723225L9A360 that shows up as "Not in smartctl database". Attached is a log from smartctl -a /dev/hda

#31 fixed smartmontools-5.39-1.win32-setup.exe configure drive menu incorrectly Christian Franke Dan Lukes
  1. Downloaded smartmontools-5.39-1.win32-setup.exe
  2. Installed with custom-type install; selected Program FIles, Uninstaller, Add install dir to PATH, Add (smartctl -a | smartctl -t long) into drive menu.

Installation has been completed successfully.

The items in drive menu doesn't work. I extracted from the registry that smartctl -a invoke "C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin\smartctl-run.bat" -a %L

But there is no "C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin\smartctl-run.bat" installed.

I don't know what's the function of smartctl-run.bat ...

#34 fixed Check error count from Extended Comprehensive SMART error log Christian Franke Christian Franke

Some recent (e.g. Samsung) drives report errors only in the Extended Comprehensive SMART error log. The Summary SMART error log can be read but is always empty. In this case, smartd ('-l error' directive) will never report an error.

Smartd should check the error counters from both error logs.

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