Custom Query (1433 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#260 fixed [FR] update an item at the wiki's "LiveCDs" page Christian Franke gvy

I suggest adding the following line to /wiki/LiveCDs:

ALT Linux Rescue 20130304 2013-03-04 250MB Linux 3.7.10 6.0 64-bit image is UEFI/BIOS, CD/USBFLash hybrid

The updated one will likely contain Linux 3.8.1+ upon hardware testing in a few days.

#262 fixed Add link for OS X SAT passthrough in wiki, section USB Christian Franke olafmarzocchi

Hello, USB SAT passthrough is possible now in (Mac) OS X: I suggest adding the link to the wiki page about USB devices.

#266 fixed Warnings os_darwin.cpp: -Wself-assign Christian Franke gecko2

During compilation i get severel -Wself-sign warnings in os_darwin.cpp on MacOSX.

The attached patch fixes those warnings.

The patch works with 6.0 and 6.1.

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