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Results (106 - 108 of 1405)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#200 fixed syntax error in trunk/smartmontools/drivedb.h Christian Franke mkdesu

The latest drivedb.h (fetched by update-smart-drivedb) has a syntax error:

  { "SMART Xcel-10 2.5 SATA SSD", //  based on
    "SMART A25FD-(32|64|128)GI32N",
    "", // attributes info from
    "-v 1,raw48,Not_Supported"
    "-v 2,raw48,Not_Supported"
    "-v 191,raw48,Not_Supported"
    "-v 197,raw48,ECC_Error_Count"
    "-v 251,raw48,Minimum_Spares_Remaining_Pct" // percentage of the total number of spare blocks available
    "-v 252,raw48,Added_Bad_Flash_Block_Count" // number of bad flash blocks
    "-v 254,raw48,Total_Erase_Blocks_Count" // number of times the drive has erased any erase block

should be

  { "SMART Xcel-10 2.5 SATA SSD", //  based on
    "SMART A25FD-(32|64|128)GI32N",
    "", // attributes info from
    "-v 1,raw48,Not_Supported "
    "-v 2,raw48,Not_Supported "
    "-v 191,raw48,Not_Supported "
    "-v 197,raw48,ECC_Error_Count "
    "-v 251,raw48,Minimum_Spares_Remaining_Pct " // percentage of the total number of spare blocks available
    "-v 252,raw48,Added_Bad_Flash_Block_Count " // number of bad flash blocks
    "-v 254,raw48,Total_Erase_Blocks_Count" // number of times the drive has erased any erase block

(note the spaces).

#202 fixed SAT auto-detection support for the HP Smart Array RAID controllers Christian Franke Alex Samorukov

Don Brace from HP provided patches to support HP Smart Array RAID controllers with smartmontools. I am not sure that we are able to accept the patches as is, but i have no access to such hardware and not able to help too much. I already wrote some recommendations and comments in the private mailing (especially about SAT re-implementation in the code) but it probably better to keep it public to find some acceptable solution. Provided patches are attached to the ticket.

#203 fixed Solaris 9/10: smartd.conf generation (sed syntax not supported) Christian Franke koitsu2009

The below sed problem was introduced in smartmontools 5.42. Errors seen during "make install" phase on both Solaris 9 and Solaris 10:

cat ./ | sed "s|CURRENT_SVN_VERSION|smartmontools-5.42|g; s|CURRENT_SVN_DATE|`sed -n 's,^.*DATE[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*$,\1,p' svnversion.h`|g; s|CURRENT_SVN_REV|`sed -n 's,^.*REV[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*$,r\1,p' svnversion.h`|g; s|/usr/local/share/man/|/usr/local/share/man/|g; s|/usr/local/sbin/|/usr/local/sbin/|g; s|/usr/local/etc/rc\\.d/init.d/|/usr/local/etc/init.d/|g; s|/usr/local/share/doc/smartmontools/examplescripts/|!exampledir!|g; s|/usr/local/share/doc/smartmontools/|/usr/local/share/doc/smartmontools/|g; s|!exampledir!|/usr/local/share/doc/smartmontools/examplescripts/|g; s|/usr/local/etc/smartd\\.conf|/usr/local/etc/smartd.conf|g; s|/usr/local/etc/smart_drivedb\\.h|/usr/local/etc/smart_drivedb\\.h|g" | sed '/^\.\\" %IF ENABLE_ATTRIBUTELOG/,/^\.\\" %ENDIF ENABLE_ATTRIBUTELOG/ s,^,.\\"# ,' | sed '/^\.\\" %IF ENABLE_CAPABILITIES/,/^\.\\" %ENDIF ENABLE_CAPABILITIES/ s,^,.\\"# ,' | sed "s|/usr/local/share/smartmontools/drivedb\\.h|/usr/local/share/smartmontools/drivedb.h|g" | sed '/^\.\\" %IF ENABLE_SAVESTATES/,/^\.\\" %ENDIF ENABLE_SAVESTATES/ s,^,.\\"# ,' | if test -n 'Solaris'; then sed -e 's,OS_MAN_FILTER,Solaris,g' -e '/^\.\\" %IF NOT OS .*Solaris/,/^.\\" %ENDIF NOT OS .*Solaris/ s,^,.\\"# ,' -e '/^\.\\" %IF OS .*Solaris/,/^\.\\" %ENDIF OS .*Solaris/ s,^,!!,' -e '/^\.\\" %IF OS ./,/^\.\\" %ENDIF OS ./ s,^,.\\"# ,' -e '/^!*\.\\" %IF NOT OS ./,/^!*\.\\" %ENDIF NOT OS ./ s,^,!!,' -e '/^!!/{ s,^!!!*,,; s,^\.\\"! \(.*\)$,\1 \\"#, ;}' ; else cat; fi > smartd.conf.5
sed: command garbled: /^!!/{ s,^!!!*,,; s,^\.\\"! \(.*\)$,\1 \\"#, ;}
gmake[1]: *** [smartd.conf.5] Error 2

The sed syntax someone chose to use in the new is only compatible with GNU sed, which Solaris does not ship with. The mistake is at line 543 in the source, which was committed in rev 3398.


I cannot review commit message/revision 3398 because clicking on the line number in SourceForge results in it trying to contact a web server called "" which does not answer on TCP port 80 and stalls my web browser forever. There is no mention of this commit revision in CHANGELOG.

The problem can be worked around by installing GNU sed on a Solaris machine, but this is very difficult on Solaris 9 (doesn't compile cleanly for reasons which have nothing to do with smartmontools).

I will work out how the sed command can be changed to work reliably regardless of sed version used.

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