Custom Query (1384 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1384)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#114 fixed Script Example3 uses wall command incorrectly Christian Franke Christian Franke

The script Example3 passes the message as an argument to wall. This does not work with all flavors of wall (e.g. util-linux-ng). Stdin should be used instead. (reported in Ubuntu Bug 491324, comment 8)

#115 fixed USB ID detection on Windows is slow Christian Franke Christian Franke

USB ID detection on Windows may take several seconds because wmic.exe is run several times for each device.

#116 fixed DEVICESCAN does not find USB devices on Windows Christian Franke Christian Franke

smartd DEVICESCAN should also include USB devices. This requires speedup of USB ID detection (ticket #115) first.

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