Custom Query (1386 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 1386)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1528 invalid addition to database for smartctl-Samsung-SSD980PRO Tony

Details attached for smartctl-Samsung-SSD980PRO

#1522 invalid Long test never completes on Western Digital Blue Mobile WDC WD20SPZX-60UA7T0 Stéphane BARIZIEN

I've just bought a Western Digital Blue Mobile WDC WD20SPZX-60UA7T0 and attempted to throw my health monitoring tooling at it (a set of PowerShell scripts that use smartmontools; the main test uses smartctl --test=long).

After more than 24 hours, the progress of the test is still at "10% remaining" -- see attached file. I have to abort the test with smartctl -X.

When running an "extended test" with Western Digital's "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows", the test does run to completion -- see screenshots.

Needless to say, I've never encountered this with any other drive.

#1521 invalid Wearout not correct Transcend TS512GMTE220S jongeren

I use proxmox incombination with the TS512GMTE220S.

The wearout is now 8%. But when i put this drive in a windows machine the wearout is 1%. So the information is incorrect.

The TBW of this drive is: 2 TB 4,400 TBW 1 TB 2,200 TBW 512 GB 1,100 TBW 256 GB 550 TBW

Can you fix it?

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