Custom Query (1386 matches)


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Results (202 - 204 of 1386)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1535 fixed Code execution vulnerability if smartd uses 'mail' from GNU mailutils < 3.13 Christian Franke ox3l

Dear smartmontools,

I'm Leonardo, a security researcher based in Italy, Rome.

I would be able to notify abuot a security issue that i found out on smartmontools software, and before to proceede with details and a secure disclosure i want to ensure that this is the right place where to post about this topic.

Thanks for your time and let me know how to move further,

Best regards, Leonardo

#1532 fixed Please add KingFast F Series to Database Christian Franke khristos

Please add the KingFast F Series SSD to the drive database I've included the smartmontools report as instructed

#1529 fixed Lexar 128GB SSD Jesus Olazo

Please find the attached text file for Lexar 128GB SSD. Thank you.

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