Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1598 duplicate Seagate IronWolf 125 ZA500NM10002-2ZG101 Daniel Li

Hi, I have an SSD drive I believe is not in the latest drive database file: a Seagate IronWolf 125 (500GB) SATA SSD. The IronWolf 125 Pro is currently in the database, and seems to be very similar to this drive SMART attribute-wise - see . The support page for this SSD ( has useful documents, particularly this one: , which contains a section called 6.1 SMART IDs.

#1597 fixed add to drivedb: Buffalo MiniStation Cobalt drive (USB ID 0411:0157) Gabriele Pohl Gabriele Pohl

Dan Fandrich reported via database mailing list:

smartctl 7.2 works with a Buffalo MiniStation Cobalt drive (USB ID 0411:0157) with
the following patch to the drivedb.

--- /tmp/drivedb.h	2022-02-07 12:02:33.749758230 -0800
+++ /usr/share/smartmontools/drivedb.h	2022-02-07 12:09:00.483882887 -0800
@@ -5070,7 +5070,7 @@
     "-d sat"
   { "USB: Buffalo; ",
-    "0x0411:0x0(1[df]9|1e7|240|251|27e)", // 0x01d9: HD-PCTU2 (0x0108), 0x01e7: HD-PNTU3,
+    "0x0411:0x0(157|1[df]9|1e7|240|251|27e)", // 0x0157: HD-PEU2, 0x01d9: HD-PCTU2 (0x0108), 0x01e7: HD-PNTU3,
       // 0x01f9: HD-PZU3 (0x0100), 0x0240: HD-PCFU3, 0x0251: HD-PNFU3, 0x027e: HD-LC3
#1596 fixed Add hard drive to drivedb: Mushkin MKNSSDTR128GB-3DL Christian Franke MVS

I have a Mushkin Triactor 3D SSD drive that is very similar to the drives added in #905, and I would like to add it to the drivedb. The attributes seem to line up with the ones for those drives.

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