Custom Query (1386 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 1386)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1558 fixed WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 needs '-l xerrorlba' Geina3ee

I play with unreadable sector at LBA 768453424. But the following command displays wrong LBA: smartctl -i -l xerror ...

40 -- 51 00 00 00 2d ab 00 cd 30 40 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x2dab00cd30 = 196142484784

Note, that 768453424 = 0x2dcdab30, not 0x2dab00cd30 ! So calculated LBA is wrong: 196142484784 <> 768453424

I've just downloaded and build fresh 7.2 version from

#1556 fixed Goodram IRP-SSDPR-S25C-02T is not in database. Christian Franke steemandlinux

Goodram IRP-SSDPR-S25C-02T, yet another phison drive is not in database.

#1555 fixed Add to driverdb: Samsung PM893 SSD (MZ7L3240HCHQ-00A07) Gabriele Pohl Josh Knight

This drive does not appear in the driver db.

Samsung P893 240GB SSD, Device Model: SAMSUNG MZ7L3240HCHQ-00A07

Tested with an updated driverdb.h as of commit a67e66137214de695320d7f790aed61de5e1a4aa

Attaching smartctl report

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