Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1656 fixed Add Netac Z Slim (Netac MobileDataStar, 0x0dd8:0x0562) Christian Franke andreymal

smartctl prints "Unknown USB bridge", but "-d sat" works fine (with UAS disabled).

I didn't find a datasheet or something, but CrystalDiskInfo shows these attribute names: SmartSiliconMotion

Product page:

#1655 fixed Not in smartctl database: INTEL SSDSC2BB240G4C Christian Franke mahalozan

fujitsu version of the Intel SSD DC S3500 240G is not included in the drivedb.c

searching string [RT] but should be[RTC]

"INTEL SSDSC(1N|2B)[ABPX]((080|100|120|150|160|200|240|300|400|480|600|800)[GH][3467][RTC]?|(012|016)T[46])",

#1654 invalid Add ADATA SX8200PNP SSD to drive database please Steve

The ADATA SX8200PNP is a NvME drive using either a Silicon Motion SM2262EN or SM2262G contoller.

I did try simply adding "ADATA SX8200PNP" to the current drivedb.h in the "Silicon Motion based SSDs" section (after line 2105), but the GSmartControl GUI front-end still displays this drive as "Unknown model". I don't know why, perhaps I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance.

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