Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1731 fixed Add wd red pro 20T to drive db (WDC WD201KFGX) Christian Franke elbandi

I have a new wd 20T red pro drive, smartmontools didnt know it. Please add to drive db.

#1730 duplicate Unknown USB bridge [0x04e8:0x61fb (0x100)] skoehler

This is a Samsung T7 Shield, 4TB.

It has a USB to NVMe bridge. I don't know which one.

#1728 fixed Add one more C300 RealSSD to drivedb (MTFDBAK256MAG-1G1) Christian Franke JoB

Attached you can find the txt output file according to FAQ.

Device is similar to other C300 devices sharing the attributes of C400 series as described in detail here:

Device from this family was reported at ticket 1421 but that report was strange

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