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Results (97 - 99 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1734 fixed Database update: Recent Samsung 870 EVO Christian Franke Julia Tuttle

Hi wonderful smartmontools folks,

Samsung seem to have changed the exposed SMART attributes in a recent hardware or firmware update for the 870 EVO.

  1. Attributes Current_Pending_Sector 197 and Offline_Uncorrectable 198 are not exposed, and smartd notes this in the system log. I'm not sure if this requires a database update.
  1. An unknown attribute 252 is exposed. I can't find any official documentation from Samsung, but based on this forum thread and this drivedb entry, I believe it is "Newly Added Bad Flash Block: The Newly Added Bad Flash Block attribute indicates the total number of bad flash blocks the drive detected since it was first initialized in manufacturing."

Per the FAQ instructions, I've attached the output of smartctl -x /dev/sda after a short offline test.

Please let me know if I can provide any further help.



#1733 fixed Add Samsung Portable SSD T7 Shield to drivedb.h (0x04e8:0x61fb) Christian Franke Sven "DrMcCoy" Hesse

Very similar to the regular T7, same bridge chip. Different USB PID, though.

This is the 2TB version. No idea if there's a different PID for the other sizes.

#1732 fixed Add Intenso TOP SSD to drivedb Christian Franke JoB

Attached you can find the txt output file according to FAQ.

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