Custom Query (1433 matches)
Results (76 - 78 of 1433)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1788 | duplicate | Unknown USB bridge [0x152d:0x0580 (0x7601)] - works with -d sat | ||
Description |
FYI: > sudo smartctl --identify /dev/sdd smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-4.14.328-ck1-westmere-rjvb] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, /dev/sdd: Unknown USB bridge [0x152d:0x0580 (0x7601)] Please specify device type with the -d option.
It works fine with > sudo smartctl -d sat --identify=wb /dev/sdd smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-4.14.328-ck1-westmere-rjvb] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, === ATA IDENTIFY DATA === Word Bit Value Description 0 - 0x0040 General configuration 0 15 0 Device identifier: 0 = ATA, 1 = ATAPI 0 14:8 0x00 Vendor specific [RET-3] 0 7 0 Removable media device [OBS-8] 0 6 1 Not removable controller and/or device [OBS-6] 0 5:3 0x0 Vendor specific [RET-3] 0 2 0 Response incomplete 0 1 0 Vendor specific [RET-3] 0 0 0 Reserved 1 - 0x3fff Cylinders [OBS-6] 2 - 0xc837 Specific configuration (0x37c8/738c/8c73/c837) 3 - 0x0010 Heads [OBS-6] 4 - 0x0000 Vendor specific [RET-3] 5 - 0x0000 Vendor specific [RET-3] 6 - 0x003f Sectors per track [OBS-6] 7-8 - 0x00... Reserved for CFA (Sectors per card) 9 - 0x0000 Vendor specific [RET-4] 10-19 - . Serial number (String) 10-13 . 0x3233:3035:3331:3830 "23053180" 14-17 . 0x3031:3239:2020:2020 "0129 " 18-19 . 0x2020:2020 " " 20 - 0x0000 Vendor specific [RET-3] 21 - 0x0000 Vendor specific [RET-3] 22 - 0x0000 Vendor specific bytes on READ/WRITE LONG [OBS-4] 23-26 - . Firmware revision (String) 23-26 . 0x3431:3130:3130:5752 "411010WR" 27-46 - . Model number (String) 27-30 . 0x5744:4320:2057:4453 "WDC WDS" 31-34 . 0x3130:3054:3152:3042 "100T1R0B" 35-38 . 0x2d36:3841:345a:3020 "-68A4Z0 " 39-42 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 43-46 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 47 - 0x8001 READ/WRITE MULTIPLE support [OBS-ACS-4] 47 15:8 0x80 Must be set to 0x80 47 7:0 0x01 Max sectors per DRQ on READ/WRITE MULTIPLE [OBS-ACS-4] 48 - 0x4000 Trusted Computing feature set options 48 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 48 13:1 0x0000 Reserved for the Trusted Computing Group 48 0 0 Trusted Computing feature set supported 49 - 0x2f00 Capabilities 49 15:14 0x0 Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE 49 13 1 Standard standby timer values supported 49 12 0 Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE 49 11 1 IORDY supported 49 10 1 IORDY may be disabled 49 9 1 LBA supported 49 8 1 DMA supported 49 7:2 0x00 Reserved 49 1:0 0x0 Long Phy Sector Alignment Error reporting 50 - 0x4000 Capabilities 50 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 50 13:2 0x000 Reserved 50 1 0 Reserved [OBS-6] 50 0 0 Vendor specific minimum standby timer value 51 - 0x0200 PIO data transfer mode [OBS-5] 52 - 0x0000 Single Word DMA data transfer mode [OBS-3] 53 - 0x0006 Field validity / Free-fall Control 53 15:8 0x00 Free-fall Control sensitivity 53 7:3 0x00 Reserved 53 2 1 Word 88 (Ultra DMA modes) is valid 53 1 1 Words 64-70 (PIO modes) are valid 53 0 0 Words 54-58 (CHS) are valid [OBS-6] 54 - 0x3fff Current cylinders [OBS-6] 55 - 0x0010 Current heads [OBS-6] 56 - 0x003f Current sectors per track [OBS-6] 57-58 - . Current capacity in sectors (DWord) [OBS-6] 57-58 . 0xfc10:00fb (16514064) 59 - 0x9101 Sanitize Device - READ/WRITE MULTIPLE support 59 15 1 BLOCK ERASE EXT supported 59 14 0 OVERWRITE EXT supported 59 13 0 CRYPTO SCRAMBLE EXT supported 59 12 1 Sanitize Device feature set supported 59 11 0 Cmds during sanitize are as specified by ACS-3 59 10 0 SANITIZE ANTIFREEZE LOCK EXT supported 59 9 0 Reserved 59 8 1 Bits 7:0 are valid [OBS-ACS-4] 59 7:0 0x01 Current number of sectors per DRQ [OBS-ACS-4] 60-61 - . User addressable sectors for 28-bit commands (DWord) 60-61 . 0xffff:0fff (268435455) 62 - 0x0000 Single Word DMA modes [OBS-3] 63 - 0x0007 Multiword DMA modes 63 15:11 0x00 Reserved 63 10 0 Multiword DMA mode 2 selected 63 9 0 Multiword DMA mode 1 selected 63 8 0 Multiword DMA mode 0 selected 63 7:3 0x00 Reserved 63 2 1 Multiword DMA mode 2 and below supported 63 1 1 Multiword DMA mode 1 and below supported 63 0 1 Multiword DMA mode 0 supported 64 - 0x0003 PIO modes 64 15:2 0x0000 Reserved 64 1 1 PIO mode 4 supported 64 0 1 PIO mode 3 supported 65 - 0x0078 Minimum Multiword DMA cycle time per word in ns 66 - 0x0078 Recommended Multiword DMA cycle time in ns 67 - 0x0078 Minimum PIO cycle time without flow control in ns 68 - 0x0078 Minimum PIO cycle time with IORDY flow control in ns 69 - 0x4d20 Additional support 69 15 0 CFast specification supported 69 14 1 Deterministic data after trim supported 69 13 0 LPS Alignment Error Reporting Control supported 69 12 0 DCO IDENTIFY/SET DMA supported [OBS-ACS-3] 69 11 1 READ BUFFER DMA supported 69 10 1 WRITE BUFFER DMA supported 69 9 0 SET MAX SET PASSWORD/UNLOCK DMA supported [OBS-ACS-3] 69 8 1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE DMA supported 69 7 0 Reserved for IEEE 1667 69 6 0 Optional ATA device 28-bit commands supported 69 5 1 Trimmed LBA range(s) returning zeroed data supported 69 4 0 Device encrypts all user data 69 3 0 Extended number of user addressable sectors supported 69 2 0 All write cache is non-volatile 69 1:0 0x0 Zoned Capabilities [OBS-ACS-5] 70 - 0x0000 Reserved 71-74 - 0x00... Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE 75 - 0x001f Queue depth 75 15:5 0x000 Reserved 75 4:0 0x1f Maximum queue depth - 1 76 - 0x850e Serial ATA capabilities 76 15 1 READ LOG DMA EXT as equiv to READ LOG EXT supported 76 14 0 Device Auto Partial to Slumber transitions supported 76 13 0 Host Auto Partial to Slumber transitions supported 76 12 0 NCQ priority information supported 76 11 0 Unload while NCQ commands are outstanding supported 76 10 1 Phy Event Counters supported 76 9 0 Receipt of host initiated PM requests supported 76 8 1 NCQ feature set supported 76 7:4 0x0 Reserved for Serial ATA 76 3 1 SATA Gen3 signaling speed (6.0 Gb/s) supported 76 2 1 SATA Gen2 signaling speed (3.0 Gb/s) supported 76 1 1 SATA Gen1 signaling speed (1.5 Gb/s) supported 76 0 0 Must be set to 0 77 - 0x0006 Serial ATA additional capabilities 77 15:10 0x00 Reserved for Serial ATA 77 9 0 Out Of Band Management supported 77 8 0 Power Disable feature always enabled 77 7 0 DevSleep to ReducedPwrState supported 77 6 0 RECEIVE/SEND FPDMA QUEUED supported 77 5 0 NCQ Queue Management supported 77 4 0 NCQ Streaming supported 77 3:1 0x3 Current Serial ATA signal speed 77 0 0 Must be set to 0 78 - 0x016c Serial ATA features supported 78 15:13 0x0 Reserved for Serial ATA 78 12 0 Power Disable feature supported 78 11 0 Rebuild Assist feature set supported 78 10 0 Reserved for Serial ATA 78 9 0 Hybrid Information supported 78 8 1 Device Sleep feature supported 78 7 0 NCQ Autosense supported 78 6 1 Software Settings Preservation supported 78 5 1 Hardware Feature Control supported 78 4 0 In-order data delivery supported 78 3 1 Device initiated power management supported 78 2 1 DMA Setup auto-activation supported 78 1 0 Non-zero buffer offsets supported 78 0 0 Must be set to 0 79 - 0x0040 Serial ATA features enabled 79 15:12 0x0 Reserved for Serial ATA 79 11 0 Rebuild Assist feature set enabled 79 10 0 Power Disable feature enabled 79 9 0 Hybrid Information enabled 79 8 0 Device Sleep feature enabled 79 7 0 Automatic Partial to Slumber transitions enabled 79 6 1 Software Settings Preservation enabled 79 5 0 Hardware Feature Control enabled 79 4 0 In-order data delivery enabled 79 3 0 Device initiated power management enabled 79 2 0 DMA Setup auto-activation enabled 79 1 0 Non-zero buffer offsets enabled 79 0 0 Must be set to 0 80 - 0x0ff0 Major version number 80 15:13 0x0 Reserved 80 12 0 ACS-5 supported 80 11 1 ACS-4 supported 80 10 1 ACS-3 supported 80 9 1 ACS-2 supported 80 8 1 ATA8-ACS supported 80 7 1 ATA/ATAPI-7 supported [OBS-ACS-4] 80 6 1 ATA/ATAPI-6 supported [OBS-ACS-4] 80 5 1 ATA/ATAPI-5 supported [OBS-ACS-4] 80 4 1 ATA/ATAPI-4 supported [OBS-8] 80 3 0 ATA-3 supported [OBS-7] 80 2 0 ATA-2 supported [OBS-6] 80 1 0 ATA-1 supported [OBS-5] 80 0 0 Reserved 81 - 0x005e Minor version number 82 - 0x306b Commands and feature sets supported 82 15 0 IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA supported [OBS-4] 82 14 0 NOP supported 82 13 1 READ BUFFER supported 82 12 1 WRITE BUFFER supported 82 11 0 WRITE VERIFY supported [OBS-4] 82 10 0 HPA feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3] 82 9 0 DEVICE RESET supported 82 8 0 SERVICE interrupt supported [OBS-ACS-2] 82 7 0 Release interrupt supported [OBS-ACS-2] 82 6 1 Read look-ahead supported 82 5 1 Volatile write cache supported 82 4 0 PACKET feature set supported 82 3 1 Power Management feature set supported 82 2 0 Removable Media feature set supported [OBS-8] 82 1 1 Security feature set supported 82 0 1 SMART feature set supported 83 - 0x7409 Commands and feature sets supported 83 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 83 13 1 FLUSH CACHE EXT supported 83 12 1 FLUSH CACHE supported 83 11 0 DCO feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3] 83 10 1 48-bit Address feature set supported 83 9 0 AAM feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2] 83 8 0 SET MAX security extension supported [OBS-ACS-3] 83 7 0 Reserved for Addr Offset Resvd Area Boot [OBS-ACS-3] 83 6 0 SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin-up 83 5 0 PUIS feature set supported 83 4 0 Removable Media Status Notification supported [OBS-8] 83 3 1 APM feature set supported 83 2 0 CFA feature set supported 83 1 0 TCQ feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2] 83 0 1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE supported 84 - 0x4123 Commands and feature sets supported 84 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 84 13 0 IDLE IMMEDIATE with UNLOAD feature supported 84 12:11 0x0 Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3] 84 10 0 URG bit for WRITE STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8] 84 9 0 URG bit for READ STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8] 84 8 1 64-bit World Wide Name supported 84 7 0 WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT supported [OBS-ACS-2] 84 6 0 WRITE DMA/MULTIPLE FUA EXT supported 84 5 1 GPL feature set supported 84 4 0 Streaming feature set supported 84 3 0 Media Card Pass Through Command supported [OBS-ACS-2] 84 2 0 Media serial number supported [RES-ACS-3] 84 1 1 SMART self-test supported 84 0 1 SMART error logging supported 85 - 0x3069 Commands and feature sets supported or enabled 85 15 0 IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA supported [OBS-4] 85 14 0 NOP supported 85 13 1 READ BUFFER supported 85 12 1 WRITE BUFFER supported 85 11 0 WRITE VERIFY supported [OBS-4] 85 10 0 HPA feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3] 85 9 0 DEVICE RESET supported 85 8 0 SERVICE interrupt enabled [OBS-ACS-2] 85 7 0 Release interrupt enabled [OBS-ACS-2] 85 6 1 Read look-ahead enabled 85 5 1 Write cache enabled 85 4 0 PACKET feature set supported 85 3 1 Power Management feature set supported 85 2 0 Removable Media feature set supported [OBS-8] 85 1 0 Security feature set enabled 85 0 1 SMART feature set enabled 86 - 0xb409 Commands and feature sets supported or enabled 86 15 1 Words 119-120 are valid 86 14 0 Reserved 86 13 1 FLUSH CACHE EXT supported 86 12 1 FLUSH CACHE supported 86 11 0 DCO feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3] 86 10 1 48-bit Address features set supported 86 9 0 AAM feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-2] 86 8 0 SET MAX security extension enabled [OBS-ACS-3] 86 7 0 Reserved for Addr Offset Resvd Area Boot [OBS-ACS-3] 86 6 0 SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin-up 86 5 0 PUIS feature set enabled 86 4 0 Removable Media Status Notification enabled [OBS-8] 86 3 1 APM feature set enabled 86 2 0 CFA feature set supported 86 1 0 TCQ feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2] 86 0 1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE supported 87 - 0x4123 Commands and feature sets supported or enabled 87 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 87 13 0 IDLE IMMEDIATE with UNLOAD FEATURE supported 87 12:11 0x0 Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3] 87 10 0 URG bit for WRITE STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8] 87 9 0 URG bit for READ STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8] 87 8 1 64-bit World Wide Name supported 87 7 0 WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT supported [OBS-ACS-2] 87 6 0 WRITE DMA/MULTIPLE FUA EXT supported 87 5 1 GPL feature set supported 87 4 0 Valid CONFIGURE STREAM has been executed [OBS-8] 87 3 0 Media Card Pass Through Command supported [OBS-ACS-2] 87 2 0 Media serial number is valid 87 1 1 SMART self-test supported 87 0 1 SMART error logging supported 88 - 0x407f Ultra DMA modes 88 15 0 Reserved 88 14 1 Ultra DMA mode 6 selected 88 13 0 Ultra DMA mode 5 selected 88 12 0 Ultra DMA mode 4 selected 88 11 0 Ultra DMA mode 3 selected 88 10 0 Ultra DMA mode 2 selected 88 9 0 Ultra DMA mode 1 selected 88 8 0 Ultra DMA mode 0 selected 88 7 0 Reserved 88 6 1 Ultra DMA mode 6 and below supported 88 5 1 Ultra DMA mode 5 and below supported 88 4 1 Ultra DMA mode 4 and below supported 88 3 1 Ultra DMA mode 3 and below supported 88 2 1 Ultra DMA mode 2 and below supported 88 1 1 Ultra DMA mode 1 and below supported 88 0 1 Ultra DMA mode 0 supported 89 - 0x0001 SECURITY ERASE UNIT time 89 15 0 Bits 14:8 of value are valid 89 14:0 0x0001 SECURITY ERASE UNIT time value 90 - 0x0001 ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT time 90 15 0 Bits 14:8 of value are valid 90 14:0 0x0001 ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT time value 91 - 0x0080 Current APM level 91 15:8 0x00 Reserved 91 7:0 0x80 Current APM level value 92 - 0xfffe Master Password Identifier 93 - 0x0000 Hardware reset result (PATA) 93 15:14 0x0 Must be set to 0x1 93 13 0 Device detected CBLID- above(1)/below(0) ViHB 93 12 0 Reserved 93 11 0 Device 1 asserted PDIAG- 93 10:9 0x0 Device 1 detection method: -, Jumper, CSEL, other 93 8 0 Must be set to 1 93 7 0 Reserved 93 6 0 Device 0 responds when device 1 selected 93 5 0 Device 0 detected the assertion of DASP- 93 4 0 Device 0 detected the assertion of PDIAG- 93 3 0 Device 0 passed diagnostics 93 2:1 0x0 Device 0 detection method: -, Jumper, CSEL, other 93 0 0 Must be set to 1 for PATA devices 94 - 0x0000 AAM level [OBS-ACS-2] 94 15:8 0x00 Recommended AAM level [OBS-ACS-2] 94 7:0 0x00 Current AAM level [OBS-ACS-2] 95 - 0x0000 Stream Minimum Request Size 96 - 0x0000 Streaming Transfer Time - DMA 97 - 0x0000 Streaming Access Latency - DMA and PIO 98-99 - 0x00... Streaming Performance Granularity (DWord) 100-103 - . User addressable sectors for 48-bit commands (QWord) 100-103 . 0x6db0:7470:0000:0000 (1953525168) 104 - 0x0000 Streaming Transfer Time - PIO 105 - 0x0008 Max blocks of LBA Range Entries per DS MANAGEMENT cmd 106 - 0x4000 Physical sector size / logical sector size 106 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 106 13 0 Multiple logical sectors per physical sector 106 12 0 Logical Sector longer than 256 words 106 11:4 0x00 Reserved 106 3:0 0x0 2^X logical sectors per physical sector 107 - 0x0000 Inter-seek delay for ISO 7779 acoustic testing 108-111 - . World Wide Name 108-111 . 0x5001:b448:b291:f336 112-115 - 0x00... Reserved 116 - 0x0000 Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3] 117-118 - 0x00... Logical sector size (DWord) 119 - 0x411c Commands and feature sets supported 119 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 119 13:10 0x0 Reserved 119 9 0 DSN feature set supported 119 8 1 Accessible Max Address Config feature set supported 119 7 0 Extended Power Conditions feature set supported 119 6 0 Sense Data Reporting feature set supported 119 5 0 Free-fall Control feature set supported 119 4 1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE with mode 3 supported 119 3 1 READ/WRITE LOG DMA EXT supported 119 2 1 WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT supported 119 1 0 Write-Read-Verify feature set supported 119 0 0 Reserved for DDT [OBS-ACS-3] 120 - 0x401c Commands and feature sets supported or enabled 120 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 120 13:10 0x0 Reserved 120 9 0 DSN feature set enabled 120 8 0 Reserved 120 7 0 Extended Power Conditions feature set enabled 120 6 0 Sense Data Reporting feature set enabled 120 5 0 Free-fall Control feature set enabled 120 4 1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE with mode 3 supported 120 3 1 READ/WRITE LOG DMA EXT supported 120 2 1 WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT supported 120 1 0 Write-Read-Verify feature set enabled 120 0 0 Reserved for DDT [OBS-ACS-3] 121-126 - 0x00... Reserved 127 - 0x0000 Removable Media Status Notification [OBS-8] 127 15:1 0x0000 Reserved 127 0 0 Removable Media Status Notification supported [OBS-8] 128 - 0x0021 Security status 128 15:9 0x00 Reserved 128 8 0 Master password capability: 0 = High, 1 = Maximum 128 7:6 0x0 Reserved 128 5 1 Enhanced security erase supported 128 4 0 Security count expired 128 3 0 Security frozen 128 2 0 Security locked 128 1 0 Security enabled 128 0 1 Security supported 129-159 - . Vendor specific 129-132 . 0x0000:0000:0000:0000 133-136 . 0x0000:0000:0000:0000 137-140 . 0x0000:0000:0000:0000 141-144 . 0x4130:3031:3242:5144 145-159 . 0x0000:0000:0000:00... 160 - 0x0000 CFA power mode 161-167 - 0x00... Reserved for CFA 168 - 0x0007 Form factor 168 15:4 0x000 Reserved 168 3:0 0x7 Nominal form factor: -, 5.25, 3.5, 2.5, 1.8, ... 169 - 0x0001 DATA SET MANAGEMENT command support 169 15:1 0x0000 Reserved 169 0 1 Trim bit in DATA SET MANAGEMENT command supported 170-173 - 0x00... Additional product identifier (String) 174-175 - 0x00... Reserved 176-205 - . Current media serial number (String) 176-179 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 180-183 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 184-187 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 188-191 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 192-195 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 196-199 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 200-203 . 0x2020:2020:2020:2020 " " 204-205 . 0x2020:2020 " " 206 - 0x0000 SCT Command Transport 206 15:12 0x0 Vendor specific 206 11:8 0x0 Reserved 206 7 0 Reserved for Serial ATA 206 6 0 Reserved 206 5 0 SCT Data Tables supported 206 4 0 SCT Feature Control supported 206 3 0 SCT Error Recovery Control supported 206 2 0 SCT Write Same supported 206 1 0 SCT Read/Write Long supported [OBS-ACS-2] 206 0 0 SCT Command Transport supported 207-208 - 0x00... Reserved 209 - 0x4000 Alignment of logical sectors 209 15:14 0x1 Must be set to 0x1 209 13:0 0x0000 Logical sector offset 210-211 - 0x00... Write-Read-Verify sector count mode 3 (DWord) 212-213 - 0x00... Write-Read-Verify sector count mode 2 (DWord) 214 - 0x0000 NV Cache capabilities [OBS-ACS-3] 214 15:12 0x0 NV Cache feature set version [OBS-ACS-3] 214 11:8 0x0 NV Cache Power Mode feature set version [OBS-ACS-3] 214 7:5 0x0 Reserved [OBS-ACS-3] 214 4 0 NV Cache feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-3] 214 3:2 0x0 Reserved 214 1 0 NV Cache Power Mode feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-3] 214 0 0 NV Cache Power Mode feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3] 215-216 - 0x00... NV Cache size in logical blocks (DWord) [OBS-ACS-3] 217 - 0x0001 Nominal media rotation rate 218 - 0x0000 Reserved 219 - 0x0000 NV Cache options [OBS-ACS-3] 219 15:8 0x00 Reserved [OBS-ACS-3] 219 7:0 0x00 Estimated time to spin up in seconds [OBS-ACS-3] 220 - 0x0000 Write-Read-Verify mode 220 15:8 0x00 Reserved 220 7:0 0x00 Write-Read-Verify feature set current mode 221 - 0x0000 Reserved 222 - 0x11ff Transport major version number 222 15:12 0x1 Type: 0x1 = Serial | 0x0 = Parallel | 0xe = PCIe 222 11 0 Reserved 222 10 0 SATA 3.5 222 9 0 SATA 3.4 222 8 1 SATA 3.3 222 7 1 SATA 3.2 222 6 1 SATA 3.1 222 5 1 SATA 3.0 222 4 1 SATA 2.6 222 3 1 SATA 2.5 222 2 1 SATA II: Extensions 222 1 1 SATA 1.0a | ATA/ATAPI-7 [OBS-ACS-5] 222 0 1 ATA8-AST | ATA8-APT [OBS-ACS-5] 223 - 0x0000 Transport minor version number 224-229 - 0x00... Reserved 230-233 - 0x00... Extended number of user addressable sectors (QWord) 234 - 0x0001 Minimum blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE mode 3 command 235 - 0x0080 Maximum blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE mode 3 command 236-254 - 0x00... Reserved 255 - 0xb5a5 Integrity word 255 15:8 0xb5 Checksum 255 7:0 0xa5 Signature |
#1786 | fixed | TCSUNBOW X3 missing attributes similar to #1280 | ||
Description |
Hi, attached smartctl -a -x output shows missing attributes are equal to the patch. |
#1785 | worksforme | Decipher NVMe errors | ||
Description |
Currently smartctl doesn't properly parse and decode NVMe log errors. Would be nice if you did. |
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