Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1809 duplicate SK hynix SSD not in database (HFS1T9G32FEH-BA10A) Rob Johnson

How do I get this drive added the smart tools database? Do later versions have more devices?

#1805 duplicate Dell SSD HFS1T9G32FEH-BA10A Not in Database Rob Johnson

I'm not sure if the issue we are having in Proxmox is because the drive is not in the database, but we've had other issues, and they seem to be related to the drives not in the database, and reporting unknown attributes. Is it possible to respond when this drive has been added, and I can then check to see if it makes a difference. Thank you.

#1804 fixed Patch for Toshiba MQ01ABF032 Gabriele Pohl Cmdr_Zod

Please find attached the output of smartctl -x /dev/sdX and a patch to add this drive to the MQ01ABF-Family

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