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Results (49 - 51 of 1384)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1772 fixed SMART db request: Argon EON USB-to-SATA (0x174e:0x1155, 0x1741:0x1156, "Pinas") Christian Franke Dan Stevens

Good afternoon,

Here is some information, along with the attached output from "lsusb -v" for the Argon EON case's USB-to-SATA bridge (which shows up as two devices) that is not in the current database.

When I add both entries to my custom database file, the disks connected to these bridges seem to support at least a few SMART features and tests. Since they are bridges, I have no "smartctl -x" output for them, but can provide this output for the attached disks if requested.

  • "Pinas sata"
    • ID: 0x174e:0x1155
    • Notes: with "-d sat", the attached /dev/sdX devices are visible to smartctl and everything I've checked seems to work fine.
  • "Pinas SATA"
    • ID: 0x1741:0x1156
    • Notes: see previous

Tested using smartctl 7.2 r5155 on aarch64-linux-6.1.61-v8+, host: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (Raspberry Pi 4B).

If you have any questions or want additional info/tests, please let me know -- and thank you for all your hard work!

#1771 invalid SMART db request: Seagate FireCuda HDD (0x0bc2:0x2021) Dan Stevens

Good afternoon,

Here is some information, along with the attached outputs from "smartctl -x" and "lsusb -v" for the following USB HDD that is not in the current database, but supports (at least some) SMART features once I added it to my custom database file:

Seagate RSS LLC FireCuda Gaming Hard Drive:

  • Serial_Number: 00000000NAD30K0B
  • Device ID: 0x0bc2:0x2021
  • Notes: with "-d scsi", is visible to smartctl and can run tests, but without temperature monitoring.

Tested using smartctl 7.2 r5155 on aarch64-linux-6.1.61-v8+, host: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (Raspberry Pi 4B).

If you have any questions or want additional info/tests, please let me know -- and thank you for all your hard work!

#1769 invalid Getting error when adding a new drive to drivedb.h Cassiano.Silva


I added a new drive to the drivedb.h file, similarly to another drive we already have in that file. When I try to run smartctl I get following error message: Syntax error in preset option string.

As I mentioned, it's similar to another drive we already had in the file, but the error appears. Is it actually possible to add a new drive to the drivedb.h file and run it in the same folder?

Thanks, Cassiano

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