Custom Query (1405 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1405)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1803 invalid NVME support bystrov.s

Please add support for ADATA SX8200PNP NVMe drive. What actions are required from me to implement this request?

#1799 fixed Modify SSSTC/SATA ERX-GD/CD to database (AF3MA31DTELT240A) Christian Franke kobyou

Modify SSSTC/SATA ERX-GD/CD to database

#1797 fixed add to drivedb: Unknown USB bridge 0x152d:0xb567 Christian Franke Vadim Stotchii


An hard drive behind an SATA Adapter with USB-3.2 interface wasn't directly recognised by Debian testing's smartmontools. The device was sold as "Fantec AD-U3SA SATA Adapter". I've checked trunk's drivedb.h, and I didn't see the USB id defined there. Also, its USB id wasn't yet in the online usb.ids database. The device seems to work just fine with device type 'sat'. I have created local databace /etc/smart_drivedb.h with tte text: { "USB: Fantec AD-U3S",

"0x152d:0xb567", USB2/3->SATA " ", " ", "-d sat"


Enclosed is the output of one smartctl run. Thanks in advance.

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