Custom Query (1386 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1386)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1785 worksforme Decipher NVMe errors Artem S. Tashkinov

Currently smartctl doesn't properly parse and decode NVMe log errors.

Would be nice if you did.

#1784 fixed Fix format of sntasmedia "Get Log Page" passthrough CDB Christian Franke cyrozap

Based on my own reverse engineering efforts, the current implementation is almost correct, but there are two issues:

  • The Number of Dwords Lower (NUMDL) field in this command is two bytes (big-endian), not one byte.
  • The final eight bytes of the CDB are the Log Page Offset as a big-endian, 64-bit qword.

The details of this command (and others) can be found in my reverse engineering repo here (see command 0xE6: "Send NVMe Admin Command"):

Attached is the patch that fixes the above issues, as well as the smartctl -d sntasmedia -q noserial -x output for two different SSD enclosures:

  • An Alxum ASM2362-based enclosure with a Crucial P5 Plus SSD
  • An ASM2364-based Seagate FireCuda Gaming SSD

After applying the patch, I've confirmed using Wireshark that requesting more than 512 bytes works (the most I saw requested was 1024 bytes / 0x100 dwords), and the responses contain valid data and are not truncated. No command timeouts were experienced during this testing.

#1783 fixed Add Seagate FireCuda Gaming SSD (0x0bc2:0xaa1a) to the drive database Christian Franke cyrozap

This device is based on the ASM2364 USB NVMe bridge. Attached is the output of smartctl -d sntasmedia -q noserial -x and a patch to add the device to drivedb.h.

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