Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1832 duplicate Submission of Toshiba MQ04UBB400 to database eSiOHJ

Attachment generated by "sudo smartctl -x /dev/sdx > /tmp/smartctl-TOSHIBA-MQ04UBB400.txt"

#1831 worksforme No JSON support for "Auto Offline data collection on/off support" Alexander Shaduri


It looks like in JSON/ATA output, no corresponding keys are present for "Auto Offline data collection on/off support" / "No Auto Offline data collection support".

GSmartControl uses these to check if it's supported or not, so that it can enable the appropriate checkbox.

If this is something that is problematic and/or useless on modern drives, please let me know and I'll remove this functionality from GSmartControl.


#1830 fixed error message for missing argument segfaults (musl libc) Christian Franke ncopa

running any of: smartctl -l, smartctl -t, smartctl -P, smartctl -v, smartctl -b and smartctl -f results in segfault on Alpine Linux (using musl libc).


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
parse_options (print_type_only=@0x7fffffffa556: false, nvmeopts=..., scsiopts=..., ataopts=..., 
    type=@0x7fffffffa538: 0x0, argv=0x7fffffffe668, argc=2) at smartctl.cpp:1173
1173	      if (arg[1] == '-' && optchar != 'h') {

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