Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1423 duplicate Micron_5300_MTFDDAK480TDS aboschke


#1421 fixed C300-MTFDBAK128MAG Christian Franke WhatUp

Attached you find the txt output file according to FAQ if the drive is not in the smartctl/smartd database. Under the following link there is some further device specification.

#1419 fixed Upgrade website to use Trac 1.6/Python3 Alex Samorukov Alex Samorukov

Problem description

Our trac is using Py2 which is EOL ~1yr already

We are using EdgeWall trac to manage smartmontools project, as well as few plugins which are written on Py27, which is EOL from January 1, 2020 already. As result py2 is no longer receiving any fixes (including security) and is getting slowly removed from the upstream packages. E.g. in the FreeBSD which we are using to host this instance, trac is already marked as "depricated" and soon will be removed due to py27 dependency.

Upstream project is slowly moving to py3, however it is still in "development" branch only (Trac-1.5.2-py3-none-any.whl). Even after removal from the upstream i will be able to continue to host this trac instance (e.g. using jail and installation using pip2), but it will take more efforts and will give us more and more security concerns.

Installed plugins

Plugins for trac are also written on py2 and will require upgrade or rewrite

plugin description status
ManPageRendererPlugin renders our man pages very easy to port
TracAccountManager Manage Trac user accounts. Critical to have, not ported, complex to port, see
TracRecaptchaRegister small plugin to show google re-captcha on the first reg. Should be trivial to port. depends on TracAccountManager
TracSpamFilter SPAM filtering for trac. Must have. complex to port, porting not yet started
TracTocMacro TOC macros for WIKI very easy to port

Possible options

  1. Start testing Trac 1.5/Devel to see how much efforts would take to move trac to it. Problem is that there is no timeline yet, and plugins still need to be ported (at least TracAccountManager which is very critical to us).
  2. Use other options, e.g. Github, which now provides WIKI, pages and other. Gitlab could be used as an alternative. Downside is that we will have to port our existing pages and wiki to it, however, that should be a one time job. This would also significantly change our release procedure.
  3. Do nothing and support trac/py2 as much as we can, e.g. using jail and self-built py. However, this is insecure and will not help us in the long term
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.