Custom Query (1415 matches)


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Results (289 - 291 of 1415)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#305 wontfix smartctl loses 1 byte from response to scsiModeSense in FreeBSD Alex Samorukov fedsim

smartctl -a (and smartd as well) gives an error when trying to examine some disks because the response to a mode sense command cannot be parsed (see attached file smartctl.log).

However, if the same command is sent with camcontrol, the response is correct (note the leading byte in camcontrol.log, which is not present in smartctl.log).

#306 fixed Please add Crucial M4 *SSD1 drives Christian Franke jekhor

Crucial has M4 *SSD1 drives models in addition to *SSD[23], existing in database. Please add this modification. Patch is attached.

#307 duplicate drive database wrong somebody cybermcm

I have a Seagate 1 TB hard drive in my system (ST1000DM003-1CH162) with latest firmware CC49. Smartd reports a new firmware (CC4H) for my disk but this is wrong. The link shows a firmware update for ST1000DM003-9YN162 which is a different disk with the same model number but different part number. I even tried to install the firmware with no success. Wrong disk part number returned by firmware update exe.

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