Custom Query (1386 matches)


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Results (241 - 243 of 1386)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#254 wontfix Smartctl 5.38 testing SAS HDD issue somebody jackson4015

Server+ LSI RAID card 1064E+ Seagate new Gen of 10K HDD:ST 900MM0006

RAID 1 seeting on 2 x SAS HDD; Use smartctlv5.43 to do test DST, skip; report error: not supported

But for centos/federo, no such issue;

#255 wontfix Smartctl 5.43 testing issue in Suse 10 (LSI 1064E) somebody jackson4015

Server+ LSI RAID card 1064E+ Seagate new Gen of 10K HDD:ST 900MM0006

RAID 1 seeting on 2 x SAS HDD; Use smartctlv5.43 to do test DST, skip; report error: not supported

But for centos/federo, no such issue;

#256 fixed Windows Event log missing log source somebody edwardk

The Windows Event log service does not have a message file registered when the smartd service is installed. This results in Event log messages similar to:

The description for Event ID ( 2 ) in Source ( smartd ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: smartd, 3648, Info, Device:
.\scsi1: [areca_disk#08_enc#01], SMART Usage Attribute: 190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel changed from 69 to 68, Device:
.\scsi1: [areca_disk#08_enc#01], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 31 to 32.

Registry entry keys can be added to fix this issue at


For my system:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


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