Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#160 wontfix trivial: switch CL CH to CH CL somebody dg12

First thanks for a great tool.

This is a real trivial request: could the output for CH CL be switched in these (and any other displays). And could the SN be positioned to the right of DH

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:

CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- -------------------- 25 00 08 70 31 a1 40 00 04:08:14.561 READ DMA EXT

After command completion occurred, registers were:

ER ST SC SN CL CH DH -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40 51 08 70 31 a1 43 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x03a13170 = 60895600

#161 wontfix sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers support somebody art9

Please add support of sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers if possible. I can give access to linux box with 3ware controller and sas disks if necessary.

#162 fixed SMART Status command failed error somebody cascarras

Hi, Ive installed a brand new Seagate 2TB Green drive on my unRAID server, saw the temperature for the drive for a few moments, then got a message in unMENU that drive failed SMART test. Currently running preclear cycles on this drive. Now at end of 2nd running of preclear, all normal there to this point. I ran SMART commands via Putty to see this new drive's results. Got the following response: SMART Status command failed. Is this new drive defective, or is smartmontools not working well w this particular drive? Text file of Telnet screen readout attached. thanks, Ramon

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