Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1414)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#112 fixed Memory leak in ATA device scan on FreeBSD somebody Christian Franke

Function freebsd_smart_interface::scan_smart_devices() calls get_dev_names_ata() which allocates memory the name string array. This memory is never freed. See r3183 for a possible way to fix this.

#113 fixed SMARTD_DEVICE and ...TYPE cannot be used for smartctl parameters Christian Franke Christian Franke

When running scripts via smartd -M exec directive, the environment variables SMARTD_DEVICE and SMARTD_DEVICETYPE should be set such that the following command works:


Such a command is already used in Example1 and Example2.

This does not always work: SMARTD_DEVICE may contain extra info about the device (see Ubuntu Bug 491324, comment 8). It should be set to the plain device name instead. SMARTD_DEVICETYPE may not be set to the correct type if the type was autodetected.

#114 fixed Script Example3 uses wall command incorrectly Christian Franke Christian Franke

The script Example3 passes the message as an argument to wall. This does not work with all flavors of wall (e.g. util-linux-ng). Stdin should be used instead. (reported in Ubuntu Bug 491324, comment 8)

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